pink colour

美 [pɪŋk ˈkʌlər]英 [pɪŋk ˈkʌlə(r)]
  • 粉红色;铬锡红,<俗>桃红
pink colourpink colour
  1. His face was a queer pink colour .


  2. I memorize the day she wore the pink colour skirt the first time .


  3. Pull stems between 1.5 and 2.5cm 's that are quite firm , with a good dark pink colour .


  4. He advertised about the town , in long posters of a pink colour , that games of all sorts would take place here ;


  5. Business that some also modernize , some behind the indistinct inland woman turn up screen putting on gay clothing and powder self 's face in pink colour .


  6. TASTING NOTES : Deep , brilliant pink colour . A bouquet of red fruit , a lively attack , nice balance and a pleasant finish .


  7. By each side of the bed was a clever shelf : it was as if the dates / doors of an advent calendar had been flipped down from the wall , creating two bedside tables in a rich pink colour .


  8. Males through evolution have been adapted to prefer moving objects , probably through hunting instincts , while girls prefer warmer colours such as pink , the colour of a newborn baby .


  9. Pink is a warm colour .


  10. It 's for my daughter , Susan . Pink 's her favourite colour .


  11. Pink is her favourite colour .


  12. Of those surveyed 23 per cent said they would feel ' embarrassed ' if their partner had an obvious enhancement such as lip filler or Botox , and over half would rather their partner wear a pink or nude lip colour over a bright red shade .


  13. His bride sports a pink veil while Wang clutches a bouquet of roses : he chose pink as the dominant colour for the performance because , he says , no one understands red any more .
